Tremor is a neurological condition characterized by trembling or an involuntary shaking of different body parts, specifically hands and head. It is also called an essential tremor.
It was observed that when people use their hands, tremors get worse and are called kinetic tremors. The tremor intensity reduces or may go away completely when you rest your hands. The cause of tremor is unknown, but many researchers thought it is strongly linked with genetic makeup. Unfortunately, essential tremor has no cure.
An individual can experience essential tremors at any age. Moreover, with the increasing age, the risk of tremors also increases. Tremors occur when nerves and the muscles they support do not communicate adequately. People with several brain or nervous system issues can lead to essential tremors. Dystonia and Parkinsonism are two of them.
Quality of life and Tremor Support
Different treatment approaches are also part of tremor support that helps to manage or treat the condition. By following such methods and treatment plans, patients can benefit and improve their quality of life.
- Simple wrist weights may give comfort and enhance arm and hand function if your essential tremor symptoms are minor.
- Relaxation techniques are a non-invasive approach, which is often used for tremor patients, can help you acquire better control over stress and cope with essential tremors more effectively.
- Beta-adrenergic blockers (beta-blockers), such as propranolol and the anti-seizure drug primidone, are two medications widely used to treat essential tremors.
Tremor Support Groups
Tremor support groups are healthy communities that help patients with Parkinson’s disease experiencing tremors. So, it would help if you looked for tremor support groups in your community and your town. If you can’t find any groups, then you can also create such a support group. Millions of people worldwide affected by essential tremors, and they are also getting help from these tremor support groups. Volunteers are special people working for the betterment of Parkinson’s disease suffering from tremors. They support and help people having essential tremors without any benefit and financial compensation.
Tremor support group leaders are enthusiastic and self-motivated individuals who assist their community by providing a gathering space for all those afflicted by essential tremors to learn more about living with the condition. Establishing a support group may be scary, which is why we've put up a comprehensive training guide to assist you along the way.
Tremor Support and Nutrition
Proper diet and nutrition of a patient are an integral part of tremor support. In addition, many social media platforms and websites have tremor support groups that spread awareness to the patients or community having neurological issues.
Some of the essential aspects of nutrition-related to tremors include
Vitamins and Minerals
Some vitamins and minerals have antioxidant properties that can help minimize the damage produced by oxidation, a natural process that occurs in all body cells. The oxidation process creates free radicals and chemicals that cause cell damage and disorders like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cancer, and heart disease. Therefore it is beneficial to your overall health to consume foods rich in antioxidant vitamins and minerals, even if there is no proof that they will assist with Tremor at this time.
- Vitamins like A, B, C, E, and K are also essential for people with tremors and must be taken in sufficient amounts. Common sources of these vitamins include citrus fruits, milk, and green leafy vegetables.
- Many foods contain minerals but in a minute and trace amounts. The following are essential minerals, zinc, iodine, calcium, manganese, iron, potassium, selenium, Sulphur, fluoride, chloride, and phosphorus for patients with tremors.
Co-Enzyme Q10
The potent antioxidants properties of Coenzyme Q10 may support tremor to some extent but are not recommended as a tremor treatment.
Calcium and Vitamin D
The chances of fall in people with tremors are high; that's why they must take sufficient amounts of vitamin D and calcium to prevent fractures in bones and bone breakage.
- https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/essential-tremor
- https://tremor.org.uk/diet-nutrition
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3030195/
- https://essentialtremor.org/about-us/volunteer/
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/neurology_neurosurgery/centers_clinics/movement_disorders/conditions/essential_tremor.html
- aan.com