Home Remedies for Neuropathy: A Comprehensive Guide

Peripheral neuropathy is a term for pain, burning, numbness, and tingling in the foot, lower legs, and toes. Most of the time, the cause of this illness is unknown, but it is long-lasting and getting worse. Self-care home therapies and medicine both have a place in managing peripheral neuropathy. Some evidence suggests that changing a person's lifestyle can help ease peripheral neuropathy symptoms.

The nerve discomfort in your feet could be due to various factors, some of which are discussed in this article, including those that cause peripheral neuropathy and those that can be treated with lifestyle adjustments and at-home treatments.

What Causes Nerve Pain in Feet?

You should take your doctor's advice about managing foot nerve pain or peripheral neuropathy. There are several things you can try at home that might help. Remember that there is no "magic bullet" treatment, and you may need to try a few before you find one that helps.

Medical Management

The best way to get rid of foot pain is to treat the underlying illness causing the nerve pain. Peripheral neuropathy causes pain and burning sensations that you can ease by doing things like:

1. Manage diabetes and blood sugar levels

Control your diabetes and blood sugar levels to prevent future nerve damage and preserve nerve function if you suffer from diabetic neuropathy.

2. Workout

Regular exercise can help your body control your diabetes and blood sugar levels. In some cases, controlling blood sugar levels can help ease the pain of diabetic feet.

3. Quit smoking

You should stop smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products to improve your circulation. As a result, you're more likely to experience issues with your feet and other symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

Foot Care

If you suffer from nerve discomfort in your legs and feet, one of the finest things you can do is focus on your foot health. Maintaining healthy skin, bone, and joint structure in your foot can protect your nerves and provide normal sensation and function. Try some of these alternatives:

1. Neuropathy socks

Socks for people with neuropathy often have a seamless design, materials that keep moisture away, elastic that don't pinch, and soft fabrics. Diabetic foot neuropathy is painful, but these products may help ease the discomfort.

2. Foot soaks

Self-care for your feet could be as simple as a soak in the tub or a foot bath. People with neuropathy sometimes find relief from their discomfort after taking a soak in an Epsom salt or chamomile oil-infused bath.

Beware of Heat

Ensure the water you're using for a foot bath isn't too hot before getting in it. Submerging your feet in water could be dangerous if you can't feel the temperature or depth of the liquid.


Taking care of your general health and well-being can help relieve the pain and stress of peripheral neuropathy. Some examples of self-care activities are:

1. Maintain good sleep hygiene

If you don't get enough sleep, your body won't be able to rest and repair adequately from the stressors of the day before. Sleep hygiene, or preparing your body for a good night's sleep, is crucial to nerve pain management. This could include eliminating coffee, turning off the television or computer screens, and reducing the lighting before going to bed.

2. Avoid drinking alcohol

Since drinking alcohol can hurt the health of your nerves, avoiding it may be one way to avoid some of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy in your feet.

3. Massage with essential oils

You can utilize essential oils to relieve neuropathy discomfort in your feet. Chamomile, peppermint, St. John's wort, and ginger are all common oils. The research on essential oils for nerve pain yields mixed results, but it's worth a shot if you're not allergic to essential oils.

4. Try biofeedback, meditation, or guided visualization as an alternative therapy

Alternative therapies that redirect your attention away from nerve pain and toward relaxing thoughts may help you manage your symptoms. Meditation or guided visualization with a psychologist may be beneficial.

5. Check your feet every day

You or a loved one should inspect the bottom of your feet daily. You may not be able to feel a callus, wound/ulcer, infection, or foreign body if you have neuropathy. You can avoid hospitalizations, limb loss/amputations, and other complications by taking a brief peek once or twice daily. If you have a problem, you should immediately see a podiatrist or other skilled healthcare provider.

Supplements and Topicals

Supplements and topical treatments can help some persons with nerve discomfort in their feet. Supplements commonly used are:

1. Turmeric

Curcumin, found in the spice turmeric, is known to lessen inflammation and swelling. Turmeric may help alleviate neuropathic pain; nevertheless, scientific data is scant.

2. Apply capsaicin or lidocaine topically

Using lotions with capsaicin or lidocaine on the skin can help ease neuropathy symptoms. These are often more effective when used in conjunction with oral pain medicine. Avoid getting these topicals in your eyes, nose, mouth, open wounds, or genital areas by wearing gloves or washing your hands entirely afterward.

3. Fish oil

Although fish oil supplements have been found to boost heart health, their impact on nerve discomfort remains unclear. There is some evidence that fish oil can ease the pain of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

4. Ginger

Supplemental ginger has been demonstrated to reduce inflammation in persons with osteoarthritis, neuropathy, and general pain.

Consult Your Doctor before Taking Supplements

Before incorporating a new supplement into your treatment plan, be sure to consult with your doctor. If you're using other medications or supplements, you should check if the supplement is compatible.

Closing Thoughts

The best way to deal with foot nerve pain is to consult your doctor about possible treatment options. Self-care (such as monitoring and controlling blood sugar, engaging in regular physical activity, and refraining from smoking) and using modest home remedies can also be of assistance. Many people with peripheral neuropathy feel better when combining traditional medical care with self-care.

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