Dystonia Medication

Dystonia is a complex heterogeneous neurological mobility disorder with the varied presentation, different etiologies and consequently diverse medication requirements. It attacks the most crucial capability of a human being, "MOVEMENT".


About 250,000 people are affected by dystonia in the US, making it the 3rd most common movement disorder.


You must have so many questions about this disease and its treatment. We’ve done plenty of research to gather enough information to help you with all your queries. Here you go! 


How does dystonia affect the movement?

It causes involuntary- repetitive movements, abnormal postures, spasms, turns and twisting, leading to eventual disability. Sometimes it occurs individually, and other times it appears commutatively with other neurological disorders.


It’s a serious condition that should never be understated and must be given appropriate attention from the beginning.


Treatment of Dystonia

Due to its varying nature, Dystonic disorder has no single or fixed treatment. Based on each dystonia patient's needs and symptoms, medication strategies for dystonia keep evolving.


To begin with the treatment, a proper diagnosis is made based on the patient's anatomy, dystonia distribution, medical history, age, and all the possible adverse effects. After diagnosis, an individual treatment strategy is tailored for each patient.


Take note: There is no surety that a single drug/ medication strategy will work for you. There may be a need for several trials to reach the one appropriate for you.


Medications for Dystonia

Medications help reduce the symptoms of dystonia by interfering with neurochemicals in the brain that control movement.

Here is a guide about the possible dystonia medication becoming popular in today’s world. 



Anticholinergics is one of the most common oral medications suggested in focal dystonia. These drugs play an immense role in muscle activation by blocking acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that contributes to muscle spasms.



This drug is particularly useful in reducing the symptoms of acute dystonia. It influences the GABA system of the brain to induce muscle relaxation and thus prevents neurotransmission in the spinal cord and brain.


Research indicated the beneficial effect of benzodiazepines and the other Clonazepam in 16% of dystonic patients with varied types.



A range of retrospective studies indicated the positive effects of Baclofen with adult-onset dystonia. It acts as a GABA agonist and is thus used to treat spasticity by reducing muscle contraction, pain and tightness. It efficiently treats dystonic conditions caused by injury to the CNS.


Carbidopa and levodopa 

These medications are specifically used to treat Dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD). This type of dystonia is caused by genetic defects and involves lower dopamine levels.

However, it can be entirely cured if treated in time. In this regard, Carbidopa and levodopa play a critical role in increasing the level of dopamine. Basically, carbidopa ensures the arrival of levodopa in the brain without any breakage; once reached, levodopa is converted into dopamine.



In addition to medication, taking supplements can catalyze the process of treatment. In this concern, the most valuable supplement catching more and more eyeballs with each passing day is Dystonia Miracle. It effectively treats muscle spasms, involuntary movements, and shaky voice. 


The Bottom Line

We have discussed different medications with you. But it is highly recommended to communicate with your doctor to find your best fit. Remember, the more you delay, the more it complicates!

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