"Fibro" refers to people who have fibromyalgia, a painful condition that causes an increase in the body's sensitivity to sensation, thus resulting in pain. It can sometimes be challenging for patients to acquire a definitive diagnosis because of the lack of diagnostic testing for this condition. Doctors diagnose fibromyalgia based on the existence of symptoms.
Fibromyalgia can be possible if you have widespread pain and sensitivity that you can't explain. You and your doctor can talk about how you're feeling and look into other possible explanations for or remedies for your pain. 8 types of fibromyalgia pains are listed below.
1. Pain and Sensitivity
The widespread pain experienced by many persons with fibromyalgia is fibromyalgia's most prominent symptom. Pain is widespread and constant, much like osteoarthritis or tendonitis but without limited mobility and stiffness. Typically, it is because of this pain that people initially seek medical attention.
There may use various behaviors to communicate distress. Pain comes in a variety of intensities and locations. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints could all be affected. Some people have constant pain, whereas, for others, it comes and goes or moves about the body.
Joint pain is another common symptom. The joint itself might not hurt, but you might feel discomfort if you apply mild pressure to the area around it. These tender spots are more like pinpricks than deep pain centers; they are located just under the skin and are easily identifiable.
2. Exhaustion
Patients often also describe lingering feelings of exhaustion. Experiencing fatigue even after enough rest may indicate fibromyalgia or another health problem. Some patients have compared it to having the flu or being exhausted from working too many hours. It's common to feel too drained to do much of anything, including basic exercise, errands, duties around the house, or even socializing.
3. Sleep issues
You might be able to fall asleep, but you might discover that you wake up feeling exhausted even if you slept. Sleep disruptions or restlessness during the night may be adding to your exhaustion. You may feel exhausted because the pain you're experiencing frequently wakes you up or shortens the time you spend in a deep sleep state each night.
4. Mood disorders
Up to 50% of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia also have another mood disorder. Living with the pain and tiredness that fibromyalgia produces is undoubtedly taxing, and, understandably, you might be experiencing increased anxiety or a loss of hope. If you're finding it tough to keep moving and making meaningful connections in your life, it's natural that you might be having a hard time maintaining an optimistic outlook.
Your mood swings could be a symptom of fibromyalgia, just as the pain. Difficulty focusing and memory lapses are common symptoms of both depression and fibromyalgia. Not being able to recall simple things like where you put your keys or your plans may indicate a more severe problem. "Fibro fog" is a term used to describe the mental disorientation or forgetfulness that many people with chronic pain experience.
5. Morning Stiffness
Of course, we all need a moment or two to "loosen up" in the morning before we can get started, but if this is a common occurrence for you, it may indicate a more severe problem. Some creakiness is normal, but persistent stiffness that doesn't fade after a few minutes may be a sign of fibromyalgia.
6. Your Fingers and Toes Swell and/or Feel Numb
Many people with fibromyalgia report feeling a burning, tingling, or numb sensation, but the etiology of these symptoms is unknown. Paresthesia is the medical term for these erratic sensations. Although they can persist indefinitely, most patients only have to deal with them for shorter spurts at a time. Although morning numbness or tingling is common, it usually doesn't interfere with daily life.
Your legs can be twitching as well. Many people with fibromyalgia also suffer from restless leg syndrome and constantly need to move to feel at ease.
7. Headache
Those with fibromyalgia often experience accompanying symptoms such as migraines or tension headaches. Pain in the upper back, tight muscles in the neck, and sore areas all over the head and neck can all contribute to chronic headaches. These can become very disabling and severely hamper normal daily activities.
8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Stomach problems such as discomfort, bloating, gas, and nausea are experienced by over two-thirds of fibromyalgia patients regularly. Regular occurrences of either constipation or diarrhea are also possible. Acid reflux, commonly known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is common among those with fibromyalgia (GERD).
The Bottom Line
Discussing your pain with an experienced doctor is crucial because fibromyalgia symptoms might mimic those of other diseases. You can send us your problem in the comments section below; our health specialists are well-trained and knowledgeable about fibromyalgia and related disorders.